***All talismans currently sold out***
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Are you looking for a magical remedy to help you break negative patterns in your life that seem impossibly and deeply engrained?
Are you tired of working the same spells over and over?
Do you want a piece of astral light that will never dim and needs almost no magical upkeep?
Talismanic magic is the answer that you have been looking for.
your personal astral allies
During humanity’s descent down to our currently earthly home, we befriended inumerable spirits and astral beings from the realms of the planets and stars.
So inspired by our journey to the earth and our resolution to tend this celestial paradise, these spirits pledged their eternal, undying, unwavering support as we fulfil our purpose within the material realm.
In order to contact them again, the spirits imparted instructions for carving and casting sacred images, glyphs, sigils, and occult runes into special magical metals during precise astrological alignments.
Whenever an initiate would carve the holy symbols into to the proper magical metal during precise astrological alignments, a portal would open, and a spirit would desend from the heavens into the metal, offering itself up in service in our divine mission on earth.
This spirit would stay within the metal forever, shining its rays of light so long as it was needed. What is more, the person who benefitted from the talisman would not need any special skills, long purifications, or intense magical training or order to benefit. Anyone could benefit immediately, for as long as they needed help.
For thousands and thousands of years, mages and astrologers within Sumerian ziggurats, Egyptian sun-temples, and Greek marble temples have been opening such astrological portals, offering themselves and these astral spirits up in service for their family, friends, communities, and parishioners.
Fortunately, some people have kept the practice alive, and all the instructions and rules have been reapplied to create new astrological talismans, bringing in new beings from the stars who are ready to help and support us.
At Ancient Astrology, I offer astrological talismans fashioned according to the traditional methods and protocols of this lineage. All talismans have been crafted and consecrated at the appropriate time, fully imbued with astral light and ready to help you on your path.
JUPITER Talismans
Jupiter rules Pisces, so he is naturally extremely strong and effective here. Jupiter also satisfies several other rejoicing conditions in these charts - angularity and an applying conjunction with the Moon. During both times, the ascendant ruler was also very dignified.
In this alignment, Jupiter is especially good at bringing in spiritual insight, ecstatic mystical experiences, and even psychic abilities and powers. In this alignment, Jupiter can create abundance in your life through relationship and interconnectedness with other people and to the divine.
SAturn talismans
Saturn is the ancient initiator - the guardian of the empyrean, spiritual realms. Saturn initiates magicians and astrologers into higher spiritual mysteries, and awakens them to the world of magic on ever-subtler levels. These talismans can help you with the following:
Undergoing initiations into the deeper mysteries of astrology and astral magic
receiving psychic messages about the future in predictive sessions with clients
Communicating with guides and astral allies
quieting the mind, dismantling the ego
cultivating magical power, summoning vaster spirits, and manifesting greater intentions
Lengthening life, living a healthy lifestyle, cutting out poisons and toxic addictions that get in the way of a healthy lifeThis talisman features Saturn undergoing a heliacal rising, freshly emerged from under the beams of the Sun. This was a prominent rejoicing position for all members of the diurnal sect that bestows one of the clearest, most constructive energies that Saturn has to offer.
Saturn is essentially dignified, in his favorite sign of Aquarius. In this chart, Saturn is also in his own triplicity, as the ruler of air signs during daytime, and in his own bound (egyptian bounds). This means that Saturn satisifies three separate rulership conditions at once, making Saturn very strong and granting him a great deal of power to work his will in the heavens.
Saturn is in an angular house, meaning that his astral power translates effectively into the material world. Saturn is also of sect, a morning star, in a masculine sign, and on the same side of the horizon as the Sun, giving him even greater power to act on the earth with all the essential dignity and astral energy he carries.
These talismans are 1.25 inches in diameter, and made out of brass or copper.
Venus Talismans
The evening hour of Venus on Wednesday, April 5th in Pittsburgh PA.
Venus is the Celestial Queen of beauty, love, friendship, pleasure, and all the luxury and good fortune that the material world has to offer. Venus puts people in touch with their bodies and brings them all the comfort and external support required into order to enjoy the fruits and blessings of this world. These Venus talismans can help with the following:
Attracting material abundance and support. Finding more luxury, beautiful things, and physical enjoyment throughout life.
Managing and resolving addiction. Rediscovering activities and relationships that are truly nourishing, replacing the unhealthy cravings as a result.
Healing trauma around experiencing pleasure. Dispelling shame. Deprogramming religious world-denying tendencies and falling back in love with being embodied.
Finding lovers and partners. Cultivating romance and attracting romanticexchanges and interactions. Nourishing a healthy sex life.
Attracting community and friendship. Cultivating relationships with meaningful people who like you for who you are. Finding people who accept you without judgment.
Cultivating good health and healing chronic illnesses. Note: I’m not a doctor, and this can’t be taken as medical advice. However, magicians have used Venus talismans to ward off illness and heal the body for thousands of years. The pythagoreans wore good-health talismans with the exact same 5-pointed star that these talismasns feature.
In this election Venus is essentially dignified, in her own sign of Taurus. This grants Venus very strong power to power to work her will in the heavens. With Taurus in particular, we see the embodied, physical aspects of Venus’ blessings coming to the fore - good health, material luxury, delighting in the arts and beauty, and good fortune all around.
Venus is in an angular house, meaning that her astral power translates effectively into the material world. Venus is also of sect, on the opposite side of the horizon as the Sun, in a feminine and nocturnal sign, and an evening star, satisyfing all the major sect-related rejoicing conditions. This her even greater power to act on the earth and ensures that her astral power translates effectively into the talismans.
These talismans are 1.25 inches in diameter, and made out of copper.
*PLEASE NOTE*. Unfortunately, a lot of people online sell cheaper talismans that are not astrologically timed. These are pretty much useless. Other people sell more expensive talismans that ignore important, even fundamental rules like a void of course moon.
For my part, I can promise that talismans at ancient astrology will always be rigorously timed according to traditional protocols.
*ANOTHER NOTE*: I made these talismans by hand. Some of them are imperfect - tiny scratches or slight off-centering. If you want a “jewelry piece” style talisman, you can buy such a talisman - for double the price - at a few other online astrology sites out there. But those talismans weren’t made under moonlight in the elements, and unless you can verify that it was timed properly by examining the chart of the casting for yourself, they probably don’t have the same level of magical power.